2013-2019 Renault Zoe fuse box diagram

Discover the ins and outs of the Renault Zoe’s fuse box! This electric supermini, available since 2012, boasts fuse box diagrams spanning from 2013 to 2019. Our article provides essential information on locating these fuse panels within your car and understanding the function of each fuse. Whether you’re a car aficionado or simply keen on maintaining your Zoe, mastering the fuse box is vital for smooth operations.

Cigar lighter (power outlet) fuse in the Renault Zoe is the fuse #6 in the Instrument panel fuse box.
Fuse NumberProtected Components
1Brake light
3Instrument panel
4Automatic door locking
5Direction indicator lights
6Cigarette lighter
7Windscreen washer
9Rear windscreen wiper
10Front ceiling light and boot light
11Pedestrian horn
12Brake switch
13Driver’s window winder
14Heated door mirrors
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Tom Smith is a passionate car mechanic and automotive enthusiast, specializing in the intricate world of car fuse boxes. With years of hands-on experience under the hood, he has earned a reputation as a reliable expert in his field. As the founder and content creator of the popular blog website 'carsfuse.com,' Tom has dedicated himself to sharing his extensive knowledge of car fuse boxes and electrical systems with the world.

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